Maasland Relocation


Local taxes

As a student living in Maastricht, or elsewhere in the Netherlands, you will be confronted with a variety of tax obligations. However, being a student, there are a number of ways in which you can apply for tax remissions, depending on your income and financial status. You will receive the City Taxes and Water Taxes on a single tax bill from BsGW (‘Belasting samenwerking Gemeenten en Waterschappen Limburg’).

City Taxes (‘Gemeentelijke Belastingen’) and Water Taxes (‘Waterschapsheffingen’):

Once a year (mostly in the last week of February or the first week of March) BsGW will send all inhabitants of Maastricht a bill for the city taxes and water taxes. The city taxes are raised to pay for your use of the sewage system and the garbage collection every week:

  • Real estate tax (only applicable if you own a house), indicated on the bill as OZB
  • Sewage tax, indicated on the bill as RIOG Garbage tax, indicated on the bill as AFV

The water taxes are raised to compensate your water pollution, e.g. when you use the shower, toilet and do the dishes.

If you encounter any questions about your tax bill you can check the website of BsGW: