Maasland Relocation

Property management

After finding a suitable tenant and completing the rental agreement, this tenant may need your attention periodically for matters such as repairs, rent indexations and payment arrears. If you prefer to outsource these tasks to a specialist, Maasland Relocation offers a solution to efficiently manage your rental property(s). This allows you to retain control over your investment, while the financial, commercial and technical aspects are handled professionally.

Technical management

Technical management is about solving issues, carrying out preventative maintenance and coordinating the associated activities. We act as the central point of contact for your tenants with regard to complaints, malfunctions and maintenance and repair work.

Administrative and financial management

Effective real estate management requires solid administration and accounting. An essential part of property management is the timely collection of rent which we closely monitor. We provide you with complete financial peace of mind, taking care of invoicing, rental administration and verifying cancellations and notices. We also take care of professional communication with tenants and other authorities.

Interested in our services?

To get to know each other better, schedule a non-committal personal consultation with us. We listen to our customers and together we will create a suitable plan for your property.