Maasland Relocation

I want to cancel my rental contract, how do I do that?

Cancel in writing
The rental contract clearly states the applicable notice period and the manner in which you must cancel. Rental contracts usually require a registered letter for this. If requested, we can assist tenants with a premium package in terminating their rental contract. As soon as we receive a cancellation letter or email, we will inform your landlord or manager and then send you a written confirmation of your cancellation.

Notice period
The notice period is laid down in the rental contract and usually a notice period of at least 1 calendar month applies to rented accommodation.

Rental period
The rental period is almost always at least one year and if you want to move within the year, this is possible if you, we or the landlord find a new tenant. Your rental agreement will then end when the new rental contract with the new tenant comes into effect. However, it is possible that some owners charge a small fine (usually half a month's rent) for breaking the fixed term of the contract, should this apply you will not be liable for remaining days of rent.

Where can I send my cancellation letter?
You can send your cancellation letter directly to your landlord or manager or, if the landlord has appointed a manager, to this manager. You can find the address details or email address in your rental contract. Please include at least the following information in your letter:

  • Full name as stated in your rental contract
  • Phone number
  • E-mail address
  • Address of the rented property
  • Date on which you want the rental contract to end
  • IBAN & BIC code for returning the deposit
What is the notice period for terminating my rental contract?

Notice period & minimum rental period
The notice period is laid down in the rental contract and usually a notice period of at least 1 calendar month applies to rented accommodation. The rental period is almost always at least one year and if you want to move within the year, this is possible if you, we or the landlord find a new tenant. Your rental contract will then end when the new rental contract with the new tenant comes into effect. However, it is possible that some owners charge a small fine (usually half a month's rent) for breaking the fixed term of the contract, should this apply you will not be liable for remaining days of rent.

Moving halfway through the month
The notice period for living spaces is usually at least 1 full calendar month (see also your rental contract) and per the 1st of the month, so it is not possible to end the rental contract halfway through a month by giving notice.

What if I canceled the rental too late?

If you sent the cancellation too late, it will automatically be postponed to the end of the next month, even if you are only one day late. So make sure you send your cancellation in time. The notice period is at least 1 calendar month. If you want to move sooner, this is possible if you, we or the landlord find a new tenant. The contract ends when the new contract comes into effect. However, it is possible that some owners charge a small fine (half a month's rent) for breaking the fixed term of the contract, should this apply you will not be liable for remaining days of rent.

Can I sell or transfer furniture and other goods to the new tenant?

Upon final delivery of the living space, it must be completely empty and clean. The only exception to this concerns furnished rentals. In that case, the space must be completely vacated at the end of the rental agreement leaving only the rented furniture. The possible sale or transfer of furniture etc. is arranged between tenants and is therefore completely separate from the rental contract and plays no role in the landlord's choice in a new tenant.

When will the deposit be refunded by the landlord?

After the rental contract has been terminated, the deposit will be settled by the landlord or his manager. In the event that the tenant has not properly cleaned or vacated the rented home and/or damage has been caused to the rented home, the cleaning costs, evacuation costs and/or repair costs must first be determined. In that case, the processing may take a little longer

Can I offset my deposit against the last rental month?

The tenant may never, ever offset the deposit against rental payments owed by the tenant.

How can I request a landlord declaration?

You can ask your landlord for a landlord declaration. If you have opted for a premium package, we can request a landlord declaration for you. A landlord statement states, among other things, whether you have always paid the rent on time.