Maasland Relocation

What are the opening hours of Maasland Relocation

Opening hours
We can be reached by telephone from Monday to Friday from 9:00-12:30 & 13:30-17:00
Walk-in hours from Monday to Friday from 13:30 to 17:00

Our office is located: Wilhelminasingel 57, 6221BG Maastricht

Parking is possible in the parking spaces in front of our office. Please note: this is paid parking!

What is the best way to contact my landlord?

In the rental contract you will find the contact details of your landlord or caretaker.

Can I sublet the accommodation I rent?

Subletting is not permitted without permission
All rental agreements state that it is expressly not permitted to sublet the property you rented without the prior express written permission of the landlord. If you want to sublet your accommodation, contact your landlord or caretaker in advance and have everything properly recorded in a subletting contract.

Can I add a new co-tenant to my rental agreement?

Consent of the landlord
If you want to add someone to the rental agreement, permission must always be requested from the landlord first. Such an addition only applies after it has been formalized by a new rental agreement drawn up by the landlord.

Maximum number of people at one address
The rental agreement states the maximum number of people allowed in the accommodation you rent. It is not permitted to exceed the maximum number of people either through the physical presence of people in the accommodation you rent nor through registration with the municipality at the address of the accommodation you rent.

Are pets allowed?

Pets are not allowed in almost all cases, so always check in advance whether pets are allowed in the accommodation you are interested in.

Is it possible to receive housing allowance for my new home?

You are eligible for housing allowance if your rent is too high compared to your income. This applies to both rental properties owned by a corporation and those owned by a private landlord. In addition, there are a few conditions that you must meet.

  • You are 18 years or older;
  • You have Dutch nationality or a valid residence permit - this also applies to any co-resident;
  • You are registered with the municipality at the address for which you want to apply for housing benefit;
  • You have an independent rental home, so you have your own entrance door, kitchen, shower and toilet;
  • Your basic rent may not exceed the rent allowance limit per month;
  • If you are younger than 23, a lower rent allowance limit applies;
  • Your assets are lower than the asset limit;

If a home is eligible for rental allowance, we will place this under details: 'rental allowance possible'. However, this is no guarantee that you will actually receive housing allowance as this remains dependent on external factors and we therefore refer you to the Tax Authorities' website.

What are municipal taxes (BsGW) and who must pay them?

BsGW imposes municipal and water board taxes on its residents on behalf of the Municipality and the Water Board. These taxes include the use of the sewer, weekly collection of waste and purification of the used water. The assessments for these taxes are usually sent around February / March. Municipal user charges and user taxes are not included in the rent. Below you will find more information about these assessments, submitting an objection and how you can apply for remission.

Independent living space (student room / group homes)
If you rent a non-self-contained living space (student room) or live in a 'group home', the assessment will often be sent to the owner of your property. The owner is entitled to charge part of the costs (user charges) to the tenants (users). Not every owner will actually pass on these costs to the tenants, but if the owner chooses to pass on the costs, you are obliged to pay these costs.

Independent living space (apartment, studio, etc.)
As a tenant of an independent living space (apartment, studio, etc.) you receive an annual personal assessment and you are also responsible for paying these taxes to BsGW.

Submit an objection
If you believe that the assessment should be addressed to someone else (for example to the owner of the building or to another resident), you can contact BsGW and submit an objection to this assessment. Please note: submitting an objection does not grant a postponement of payment.

Apply for remission (only for independent living spaces)
You can apply for remission on the basis of inability (if you earn little and have little assets). To qualify for this, you must complete a number of forms, which you can request on the BsGW website.

Please note that the person to whom the assessment is addressed is also responsible for payments to BsGW. Since BsGW has a fairly strict collection policy, we advise you to pay on time, request a waiver or submit an objection to avoid unnecessary increases and fines.

I have received mail intended for the landlord/previous tenant, what should I do with it?

Mail for the landlord: Deliver to Maasland Relocation
If you have received mail intended for the owner/landlord, you can deliver this mail to Maasland Relocation. We ensure that the mail reaches the landlord.

Post from previous tenant: Return to sender
Do you receive mail from old or unknown tenants? Clearly write 'Return to sender' on the envelope, cross out the address and drop it in the orange mailbox in your area.

Don't leave mail!
Do not leave mail that is not intended for you, as it may contain bills that must be paid within a set payment term.